
Here are the latest product updates from If you have feedback or suggestions, please reach out — we'd love to hear from you!

We've given EasyRoutes' customer order tracking pages a complete refresh! Our new tracking pages are more informative and visually appealing than ever before, and are designed to display seamlessly across all device types and screen resolutions. Customers can access all their order details - including order status, real-time driver location, and proof of delivery - from our new, easy-to-read card-based tracking page layout:

If you've already modified your order tracking pages to include non-default variables, custom ETA and schedule settings, or localized translations, don't worry! All your customizations will be automatically transferred to the new tracking page layout, and no further action is required to deliver the same outstanding experience your customers already expect, in a spruced up and more user-friendly package.

Customize and preview your customer order tracking pages for all order status events from your EasyRoutes Settings > Order tracking tab.

We've made a number of improvements to the Orders Page layout, making it easier than ever to view, sort and route your imported & saved custom stops alongside any Shopify orders. You'll be prompted to enable new layout settings with a banner the next time you open the Address Book (this prompt can also be dismissed using the close icon on the banner):

You can also manually enable/disable these new layout settings at any time from your EasyRoutes Settings > General tab, by scrolling down to the Address book card of the Orders page options section:

Once enabled, new tabs and controls will appear on the upper right-hand corner of your Orders table, next to the Filter search bar.

  • By default, you'll land on the Orders tab first, containing all orders placed or created via Shopify.
  • Shortcuts to Add a new saved stop, Import a new CSV, or Refresh your Orders table are available using the three icons on the far upper right.
  • Use the checkboxes to select any orders you'd like to route before clicking the Add orders to map button at the bottom of the page:

Navigating to the Saved stops tab will provide quick access to any past stops you've created and saved in the Address Book.

  • The Sort button on the far right can be used to fine-tune the order these stops will be listed in.
  • Stops that have been favourited using the star icon can be set to appear at the top or bottom of the list as shown below; you can also enable/disable the star icon for individual entries directly from this table (immediately beside each stop's selection checkbox), updating which stops are favourited in the Address Book.
  • Use the checkboxes to select any saved stops you'd like to route before clicking the Add to map button at the bottom of the page:

The Import history tab contains a list of all CSV spreadsheets imported into the Address Book in the past. Click the eye icon on any import to access a table of all stops contained in that import:

Use the checkboxes to select any imported orders you'd like to route before clicking the Add to map button at the bottom of the page. After adding orders to the map, click the back arrow + spreadsheet title (highlighted below) to return to the list of imported CSVs:


  • Orders can be selected from one, two, or all three of these new tabs and included on the same route. After orders have been added to the map from one tab, you can navigate to another tab or imported CSV file and continue using the checkboxes and Add to map button to add orders as you go.
  • Orders that have already been added to the map will display with a green checkmark instead of a selection box, as #1049 and #1047 are shown below. Hover over this checkmark and click the new red minus icon to remove it from the map, as #1048 is shown below:

We've added a number of new settings to fine-tune what route information appears in the Dashboard when opening EasyRoutes. Update Dashboard customization options from your EasyRoutes Settings > General tab, within the Dashboard page options section:

  • Use the checkboxes to disable any sections that are not required. By default, all three sections will be enabled.
  • Use the Show up to boxes to increase or decrease how many routes are shown within each section. By default, each section will display 5 routes, but can be configured to display anywhere from 1 to 15 routes.
  • Use the Sort by dropdown to set the order routes will be sorted in all sections - choose from By start time (latest scheduled calendar date/time on top), By created time (most recently created on top), or By last modified time (most recently modified on top). By default, routes will be sorted By created time.
  • Use the Show routes from dropdown to select how far back in time to fetch routes from - choose from increasing intervals from Last 0 days (i.e. within the current day) to Last 90 days. By default, routes will be fetched from Last 7 days.

We've increased the capacity of EasyRoutes' CSV import tool, allowing up to 15 order/stop data CSV files to be imported in a single batch. Before uploading your CSV files to EasyRoutes, ensure that your spreadsheet column titles match across all CSV files to properly parse all order data when importing.

To import multiple CSV files at once, follow the same steps used to import a CSV file, selecting up to 15 files at once to import. Once your columns have been mapped, the number of files to be imported will be listed at the top of the page. Each CSV filename will be listed below the map, with each file's corresponding orders listed below their title. Use the checkboxes to select individual orders and/or entire files to import at once:

Email Notification Templates:

We've added a new Delivery note variable that can be included on any customer notification emails when available, ensuring any additional notes included by drivers when delivering orders are automatically shared with customers via email.  

Customize email notification templates for all delivery status events from your EasyRoutes Settings > Notifications tab, under the Email notifications section.

Route Printing:

We've added a toggle to the Stop notes, Order notes, and Payment status variables when printing a route to configure whether these variables display as a line of text below each order (i.e. consistent with previous app behaviour) or as an independent column for each order. Click the column/text toggle beside each of these variables within the Print Preview menu to see these changes reflected immediately within the printout preview:

Three additional variables (ETA, Drive time, and Stop time) can now be enabled/disabled individually when including the List of stops on your route printouts:

We've also implemented a fix for the Route map displaying incorrectly on printouts under specific circumstances. If your route map isn't displaying correctly for any route printouts, use the Route map checkbox to disable and re-enable this variable from the Print Preview menu to restore the correct map sizing and stop pin data.

We've made a number of improvements to Route pages for additional flexibility and data visibility when viewing planned routes:

  • When any orders on a planned route contain a Delivery date variable, this information will automatically enable and populate the Delivery date column when viewing that route. If the route contains a scheduled start date, EasyRoutes will now also display a warning indicating any orders that contain a Delivery date variables that does not match the route's scheduled start date:
  • When viewing completed routes, the drive time calculation listed below all stops will now update to include the elapsed time spent delivering, alongside the original estimated time generated when planning a route. Note that this update does not apply retroactively to past routes - elapsed drive time calculations will only display for routes completed after this feature was implemented:
  • For routes where all stops have been marked as Attempted and/or Delivered, but the route remains in the Started status, you can now mark the route as complete directly from the route page within EasyRoutes in your Shopify Admin; this functionality was previously only accessible from the EasyRoutes Delivery Driver mobile app:
  • We've also added a new, optional Method column on Route pages for easier at-a-glance viewing of the delivery methods applying to all orders within a route:

Enable the Method column from your EasyRoutes Settings > General tab, within the Route page options section:

Route groups

We've improved workflows for adding new routes to existing route groups. After selecting route(s) and clicking Add route to group, you'll be taken to a new page where you can filter existing route groups, and click the plus icon on the left-hand side to immediately add the route(s) to the route group of your choice:

The performance enhancements announced earlier this week apply to this workflow as well, with up to 98% faster loading and adding speeds, particularly when working with larger, more complex route groups.

Route printing

When printing routes, you can now optionally include Customer name, Customer email, and/or Customer phone within the List of stops printout; Shipping phone can now also be included, particularly useful for orders where the recipient may not be the same individual who placed the order (i.e. gift deliveries). These variables will now display for both Shopify-native orders, as well as imported stops or manually created custom stops:

*Updated from a previous version to include optional phone variables.

Delivery Driver mobile app version 1.0.43

Version 1.0.43 of the Delivery Driver mobile app is now available to download for iOS and Android. This release largely consists of maintenance updates, and users should not experience any noticeable impact when interacting with the app compared to the previous version.

Performance improvements

We've made several adjustments to the infrastructure powering EasyRoutes, resulting in significant improvements to the loading speed of route groups.  Users with larger, more complex route groups will experience up to a 98% reduction in the load time of route groups; smaller, less complex route groups will also load at least 90% faster than prior to this update. Regardless of size, route groups will now load almost instantaneously instead of displaying a loading spinner for multiple seconds before snapping into place.

Users should refresh any browser windows with an active EasyRoutes session to ensure these performance improvements have taken effect.

EasyRoutes Delivery Driver mobile app - version 1.0.42

Version 1.0.42 of the Delivery Driver mobile app is now available to download for iOS and Android, including the following fixes and improvements:

  • More robust support for devices running the app on iOS 17.
  • Fix for inconsistent user interface display when device configured to utilize certain accessibility features and/or increased system font sizes.

Drivers will need to update to the latest version of the app (v1.0.42) in order to take advantage of updated functionality within the EasyRoutes Delivery Driver mobile app.

We've made several adjustments to packing slip display settings for improved customization - update these display preferences from your EasyRoutes Settings > Packing slips and labels tab, within the Packing slip options section:

  • New Notes/Instructions size setting allows you to customize the font size of any order notes and additional instructions included on printed packing slips.
  • Additional instructions now supports manual line breaks and white space, and will appear on packing slips in the same manner as input here.
  • Additional instructions can now be included on packing slips independently, i.e. they no longer require Order/stop notes to be enabled in order to display on printed packing slips.

For full details on configuring, customizing, and printing packing slips for all your delivery routes, see the support article for this feature.

We've added a new setting to enable discounted item prices and individual item subtotals on packing slips. When enabled, items with a discount applied will display with their discounted price next to their original price, which will be crossed out; the subtotal value, when enabled, will also be calculated based on the discounted price if applicable:

Enable both options from your EasyRoutes Settings > Packing slips and labels tab, within the Packing slip options section - enable If discounted, show original price as well to display discounted prices; enable Total item price to display the Subtotal column:

You can also customize what the total item price column will be titled as (default Subtotal) by modifying the Label for Item Subtotal Price setting within the Packing slip and label text section found a little bit further down the same Settings page:

For route planners who have enabled the Route Assistant on any unstarted routes, we've added a banner notification at the top of the EasyRoutes Dashboard to highlight any routes with new orders that match configured filters.

Click the name of any route within the banner to jump directly to the Add orders tab of the respective route, where these new matching orders will be automatically staged on the map, ready to add to the route:

For full details on configuring the Route Assistant to monitor for and automatically stage new orders that match a customizable set of filters, see this support article.

Email Notification Templates:

We've improved workflows for editing customer email notification templates, and added the Shipping Address variable that can now be included in any EasyRoutes customer email notification:

Customize email notification templates for all delivery status events from your EasyRoutes Settings > Notifications tab, under the Email notifications section. For full details on enabling and customizing your EasyRoutes email notifications, see the support article for this feature.

Routes Page:

You can now customize the default Last modified filter that will be applied when initially loading your Routes page - choose from Last 30 days, Last 7 days, or Today. Configure this default filter from your EasyRoutes Settings > General tab, within the Routes page options section:

We've also added a new button to the top of the Routes page - click here to create a new route, customize any Route Options, and begin planning deliveries with a blank canvas:

You can now include the Customer name associated with each order when printing a route and including the List of stops in the route printout:

We've added a new setting to the Route Assistant, allowing route planners to configure how far in advance of a route's scheduled start time to stop automatically staging orders for addition to that route. When configured, newly received orders matching the filters applied in the Route Assistant will be automatically staged on the map in the Add orders tab for a route, up until a custom number of minutes, hours, or days before the route is scheduled to start (in the example shown below, 3 hours prior to the route's scheduled start time).

Configure this cut-off time by enabling the Route Assistant from the Route Options page prior to creating a new route, or from the Auto-add orders panel below the map on the Add orders tab of any existing route:

Note: Routes must have a future scheduled start date and time in order for the Route Assistant to properly calculate and apply a scheduled cut-off window.

Order automation rules:

We've implemented a new type of order automation rule, allowing EasyRoutes to automatically set a customizable amount of time to spend at a stop (stop time) whenever a specific order tag or customer tag is present on that stop's order.

In the example shown below, any stops that contain an order tag including "installation" will automatically have their stop time set to 25 minutes, with any subsequent stop ETAs adjusted accordingly:

Access and configure automation rules from your EasyRoutes Settings > General tab, under the Advanced order automation rules section; order/customer tags and stop time values can be customized to your specific delivery workflows when setting these rules up.

Route export:

When exporting a route, you can now choose whether or not to include three unique Phone number values (where applicable) - the phone number associated with an order, a customer, and/or a custom stop: