Trusted by 5,000+ Businesses

Install our driver app to start delivering with EasyRoutes

To deliver routes created in EasyRoutes, download our EasyRoutes Delivery Driver app for iOS and Android.

Download on the iOS App Store
Get it on Google Play

"I wouldn't use any other app for my drivers!"
- Solstice Savory Pies

EasyRoutes Delivery Driver
Flower Delivery: The Million RosesPizza Delivery: SliceFood Delivery: Redstart FoodsGass Delivery: Gas GuysMattress Delivery: SonnoBread Delivery: Butter & Crust
Deliver faster with EasyRoutes

EasyRoutes Delivery Driver is the companion app for EasyRoutes, an app designed to help stores plan and deliver their own orders.

EasyRoutes is not a platform for drivers where you can sign up as a driver to take jobs directly. If a store invited you to install this app, you will need to contact them about being assigned delivery routes.


No training needed, our app guides your driver stop-by-stop, step-by-step.

Get Directions

Use your favourite navigation app: Google Maps, Waze, or Apple Maps.

Route Inventory

View an inventory of items that need to be packed before heading out.

Proof of Delivery

Attach multiple photos, capture an e-signature, or add an optional delivery note to capture proof of delivery.

Update Orders

Order status updates are automatically synced back to EasyRoutes instantly.

Drive Times/ETAs

ETAs for each stop are dynamically updated as you move through the route.

Plan routes with EasyRoutes.
Deliver them with EasyRoutes Delivery Driver.