
Here are the latest product updates from If you have feedback or suggestions, please reach out — we'd love to hear from you!

Address Book / Saved Stops

When saving stops to the Address Book, you can now also include that stop's preferred Time Window and Priority status. From the Actions menu (three dots icon) on any Address Book entry, select Edit address to configure these two stop settings from the Additional options panel:

Both of these variables will be permanently included in the saved stop's Address Book entry to streamline any future deliveries to that customer.

Packing Labels & Slips

We've added an Additional instructions text input field in EasyRoutes Settings > Packing slips and labels, under the Packing label options section:

Any instructions or information added to this field will be automatically included when using the Print feature to generate packing labels for your routes:

We've also added a new dropdown selection menu to the Packing slip options section to configure where Total Price and Total Weight variables will be placed (Below items, In header, or both):

We've updated the Routes page filtering options so that any applied search terms or filters will persist, even after viewing routes or clicking into another EasyRoutes page, making it easier to make batch edits to routes without having to manually re-apply filters.

By default, the Routes page will load with the Updated last 30 days filter applied. Input any search terms and/or use the Add filter button to activate any combination of Status, Start date, Driver, or Created on filters; the list of matching routes below will update immediately. When you click into any of the routes displayed (or navigate elsewhere within EasyRoutes) and return to the Routes page, the same set of filters will now still be applied:

Note that any applied Route filters will be reset to the default Updated last 30 days when you refresh EasyRoutes, navigate outside of EasyRoutes on Shopify, or close the app and re-open it.

We've added a new feature that allows route planners to mark stops as Priority stops.

When used in combination with certain Route Options that place limits on a route - such as max route duration, max items per stop or max stops per route - Priority stops will be given first consideration for inclusion in a route, better ensuring they're not excluded when route capacities are reached.

You can mark or unmark a stop as Priority from the Add Stop or Edit Stop menus, under the Additional options panel:

Or, from the Stop actions menu from the route table or map view:

You can also change Priority status for a number of stops at once using the checkboxes on any Route page:

Stops marked as Priority will display in a manner that's clear to identify them on your Route table and stop list, with an outlined stop icon and unique badge when hovering over them on the route line or map:

For full details on working with priority stops to streamline your delivery workflows, see the support article for this new feature.

  • We've made some visual updates to the map view on Orders and Route pages, increasing readability and to align with EasyRoutes' recent Polaris 12 visual refresh.
  • You can now include separate Billing name and Shipping name variables when exporting a route - particularly useful when the individual who purchased an order is not the delivery recipient (i.e. gift orders):
  • Improved handling of Driver Tasks editing and saving workflows for additional ease-of-use and consistency with other Route Options.
  • Fix for issue where AM/PM time designations would not display properly under certain locale-specific conditions.

Route Export:

When exporting multiple routes from the Route History page, you can now include Route ID as a variable in your exports:

Note that the Route ID will be a permanent alphanumeric string generated by EasyRoutes on route creation; this will differ from a route's Name variable which can be freely edited without affecting the Route ID. This export variable can be particularly useful when route names may repeat or overlap across multiple delivery periods:

Custom Items:

When adding custom items to a stop, you can now specify the weight of that item. This weight value will then be included when exporting or printing a route, and will also count against any maximum weight restrictions enabled for your route:

Driver Tasks:

You can now use the dragging handles on each individual Task item to re-sort their order. Tasks will display in the EasyRoutes Delivery Driver mobile app in the same order they're configured in your Route Options:

We've added two new types of Driver tasks - text input tasks & number input tasks.

Text input tasks:

Use this type of task to allow drivers the option of inputting a text string before marking an order as attempted or delivered. This can be particularly useful when drivers are required to log the name of the individual who an order was delivered to:

Number input tasks:

Use this type of task to allow drivers the option of inputting a numeric value before marking an order as attempted or delivered. This can be particularly useful when drivers are required to collect Cash on Delivery (COD) when delivering and must log how much payment was collected for each stop, or to input and track odometer readings for route start and finish locations.

Note: Drivers will need to update to the latest version of the EasyRoutes Delivery Driver mobile app (v1.0.37 or above) in order to complete these two new types of task.

Delivery Driver Mobile App - Version 1.0.37

The EasyRoutes Delivery Driver mobile app has been updated to version 1.0.37 for iOS & Android, including support for both new driver task types, as well as various minor improvements and bug fixes.

We've enabled additional functionality to provide route planners more flexibility when it comes to re-optimizing stops in routes that are already in progress.

Similar to the recently announced driver re-optimize feature, when any stops in a route are marked as Delivered or Attempted out of order from their originally optimized sequence, route planners can now consolidate and re-optimize all the remaining stops on a route into the most efficient order:

Once clicked, a prompt will display providing you with the option to re-optimize the remaining stops in your route:

For additional details on re-optimizing unstarted routes and routes in progress, see the support article for this feature.

We've had drag-and-drop stop re-ordering for a while, but now we've enabled a new feature that allows multiple stops to be selected and re-positioned within a route just by dragging and dropping the stops into the new position you need them.

Drag and drop re-ordering for multiple stops
Drag and drop multiple stops at once

After moving any stops to your preferred location in a route, click the Save button at the top of your page to apply your changes. For additional details on this new feature and more methods for re-ordering stops within a route, see this support article.

Miscellaneous Improvements and Fixes:

  • Order ID is now available as a variable to include when exporting routes.
  • Various bug fixes and app performance enhancements.

We've added a pair of new options to include pending and completed tasks when exporting a route for further analysis or record keeping.

Two different styles are now available to export your task data - note that only one style can be selected per individual export.

  • Tasks summary: Select this option to export a summary of which tasks were completed per stop:
  • Individual task items: Select this option to export a column for each individual task across a route, with precise timestamps of when each task was marked as complete:

See this support article for full details on enabling and configuring Driver Tasks on EasyRoutes.

The Route assistant is now available as a Route Option to enable when creating routes or route groups:

Any filter views that have been previously saved can be selected using the Select filter view button. All new orders matching the filters applied for the selected view will be automatically staged for addition to routes:

For further information on configuring auto-add order functionality to streamline your route planning workflows, see the support article for this feature.

We've added a new feature that allows drivers to re-optimize remaining stops on routes in progress, directly from the Delivery Driver mobile app. This feature can be particularly useful when previous stops in the route were delivered out of order from the originally optimized sequence.

By default, the setting for driver re-optimization is turned off, but can be enabled from EasyRoutes Settings > Driver settings tab, in the Driver app settings section:

Once the setting is enabled, drivers using the Delivery Driver mobile app will have access to the Re-optimize button as soon as any stop in their route is marked as Delivered or Attempted out of order from their originally optimized sequence:

Once tapped, the route will reload after re-optimization is complete. Completed stops (both Attempted and Delivered) will be consolidated, and all remaining stops will be re-ordered in an optimal sequence.

Note: The driver re-optimize feature is currently only available on Premium and Enterprise pricing plans. Drivers will need to be using the latest version of the Delivery Driver mobile app (version 1.0.36 or above) in order to take advantage of this new feature.

Delivery Driver Mobile App - Version 1.0.36

The EasyRoutes Delivery Driver mobile app has been updated to version 1.0.36 for iOS & Android, including support for the new driver re-optimize feature, as well as various minor improvements and bug fixes.

Non-Shippable Item Improvements:

We've added a new setting (configure from EasyRoutes Settings > General tab, Fulfillment items section) that, when enabled, will hide non-shippable items from route inventories:

This can be particularly useful when orders contain non-shippable "items" that represent a subsequent delivery or pickup that will be fulfilled at a later date (for example, delivering a rental order that must be picked up on a future route, and where this pickup is included in the order as a non-shippable item).

When this setting is enabled, non-shippable items will be hidden from all item count and weight summaries for stops and routes, including:

  • Packing slips
  • Packing labels
  • Inventory summaries
  • Inventory tabs
  • Groups page
  • Route/stop exports

Driver Tasks Improvements:

  • Existing Driver Tasks can now be edited directly below the map when viewing any saved Filter View tabs.
  • Pending and completed Driver Tasks can now be included when exporting a route:

Additional Updates:

  • When accessing a stop's Notification History, an error will now display if the customer associated with that stop has previously unsubscribed from receiving delivery event notifications.
  • Delivery Zones can now be used to select orders from the Add Orders tab of any route.
  • Improved matching logic for US ZIP codes.

We've added a new feature that monitors for new orders matching a custom set of filters, and automatically pre-selects them for addition to an existing route. You can enable the Route Assistant from the Add Orders tab on any new or existing route, directly from the Auto-add orders box found below the map:

Once enabled, the Route Assistant will place a banner at the top of a route page whenever you load an unstarted route and new orders are available - simply head to the Add Orders tab and they'll be staged on the map ready for you to view and quickly add to your route:

For more details on configuring and updating the Route Assistant's functionality and filters, take a look at the support article for this new feature.

We've added a new Route Option to assign drivers tasks and reminders of additional steps they must complete before starting a route, completing a delivery stop, and/or marking a route as complete. Driver tasks can be enabled and configured from the Route Options page:

Driver tasks can be added in two different styles, depending on the nature of the task:

  • Checkboxes: Use this type of task to provide drivers with a list of tasks that can be checked off individually as they're completed:
  • Radio buttons: Use this type of task to provide drivers with a list of options for a task, where only one possible option can be selected to complete the task:

Optional: Each individual task can be set as "required," meaning a driver will be unable to mark a stop as Attempted or Delivered until the task is completed. Enable tasks as requirements by checking the "Delivered" and/or "Attempted" checkboxes from the "Required to mark order as:" section below each task.

Driver tasks can also be added to a route's Start and End locations independently, to differentiate between stop-level tasks and tasks that need to be completed in order to begin or complete a route:

  • To configure End location tasks, a route's End location must be set to a physical address (such as your shop or warehouse), or Loop back to start. End location tasks cannot be configured if a route's End location is set to "Use the last stop in route".
  • Optional: After adding any Start location tasks, check the "Required to start route" checkbox below that task to force a driver to complete tasks before they can begin delivering a route.
  • Optional: After adding any End location tasks, check the "Required to mark route as completed" checkbox below that task to force a driver to complete tasks before they can complete a route.

As routes are completed, you can access pending or completed tasks and their timestamps on any Route page from the "Tasks" column for any Start/End location or stop on a route:

Drivers using the EasyRoutes Delivery Driver mobile app can access and complete tasks for route Start location, individual stops, and route End location directly from the app:

Optional: If certain tasks are configured as "required", drivers will be alerted of pending tasks, and will be unable to tap Start or select any "Mark as..." buttons until tasks are completed:

For more information on enabling and configuring Driver tasks on your routes, see the support article for this new feature.

Note: Drivers will need to update to the latest version of the app (v1.0.35) in order to access and complete assigned Driver tasks from the EasyRoutes Delivery Driver mobile app.

Version 1.0.34 of the EasyRoutes Delivery Driver app is now available to download for iOS and Android, featuring a number of usability improvements and UI updates, including:

  • All available notes pertaining to a stop (Order note, Stop note, and/or Customer note) are now shown directly below the "Order items" section for that stop:
  • Depending whether Address, Lat/Long or ZIP/Postal Code is selected as your Navigation mode, the "Go to..." button below the map for a stop now more clearly displays which navigation mode will be used to get directions to that stop:
  • Enabling "Include second address line when navigating" from the app's settings menu will include the second address line stored for a stop (if applicable) when navigating to that stop:
  • Improved support for photo Proof of Delivery capture and storage
  • Fix for occasional issue when using Waze to navigate routes on Android
  • Various bug fixes and miscellaneous UI improvements

Other EasyRoutes Updates:

  • You can now include Item vendor in printed packing slips - from EasyRoutes Settings > Packing slips and labels section, scroll to the "Packing slip options" section and ensure the "Item vendor" checkbox is selected from the "Items" subsection: