July 29, 2024
New "Stops" tab for Route Groups
If you have feedback or suggestions, please reach out — we'd love to hear from you!
We've added a new Stops tab to Route Groups, providing an at-a-glance summary of all stops contained in a group, and making it easier to perform bulk actions on multiple stops within the group at once.
When viewing the "All routes" page of any existing route group, access the Stops tab to see a complete list of stops across all routes contained within the current group:

Use the checkboxes to select stop(s) from any route within the group. From the menu that appears at the bottom of the list, use the Send to route action to move the selected stop(s) to a new or existing route; use the Remove stops action to remove the selected stop(s) from the current route and route group; or, use the Reject stops action to remove the selected stop(s) from the current route, and move them to the group's Rejected stops tab for further review:

After performing any bulk actions, be sure to click Save at the top of the page to commit any changes to the route group.
About Roundtrip
Roundtrip's mission is to equip every business with the software tools they need to deliver products to their customers in a delightful way. Thousands of Shopify merchants worldwide choose EasyRoutes to power their local deliveries across dozens of product categories, from meal kits and groceries to coffee, cupcakes, kibble, and so much more. Our easy-to-use route planning and delivery optimization app is certified Built for Shopify, a two-time Shopify staff pick, and the top rated local delivery app on the Shopify App Store.