Product Updates

Here are the latest product updates. If you have feedback or suggestions, please reach out — we'd love to hear from you!

September 5, 2022

August 2022 Product Updates

Dispatch Links (a.k.a. Driver Self-Assign to Routes)

Now you can generate a route link that allows your drivers to assign themselves. We call these Dispatch Links.

You can share a Dispatch Link with any activated driver in your store and they can preview the route and claim it if they want to assign themselves. Deactivated drivers can also claim a route if there are empty active driver seats available.

Once a driver claims a route, they will show up as assigned to that route in EasyRoutes.

These Dispatch Links can also be shared with others and viewed on the EasyRoutes Delivery Driver app as a read-only version of the delivery route and route inventory.

New Driver Management Tab & Features

We've uplifted and Driver Management from the Settings to it's own top-level tab and have beefed it up with more information to help you with managing your drivers.

You can apply date ranges and sort and filter to get the information you need. We also provide a quick shortcut to view all your driver's routes on the Routes tab.

3) New Delivery Notification Features

a) Send Delivery Notifications to Imported Stops: Now you can send EasyRoutes email and SMS delivery notifications to imported stops from outside of Shopify!

Whether you are adding a custom stops to a route or importing orders via CSV, EasyRoutes can now send our customizable notifications to those customers.

b) Customer is N Stops Away Delivery Notifications:

Send an email and/or SMS delivery notification to customers when your driver is a specified number of stops away from them.

c) Plus more:

You can now add your customer's or driver's name to any of EasyRoutes' email and SMS templates and we've also greatly improved our Notification History pop-up:

Preview Packing Slips and Labels

We've added the ability to preview your packing slips and packing labels when customizing them In your EasyRoutes Settings. We've also added more customization options such as allowing you to choose in what order items are sorted by or allowing you to display the customer note.

5) Various Other Improvements

  • Order Tracking pages now shows time of e-signature capture and allows you the option of display driver notes.
  • Improvements into how we check for "Scheduled" subscription orders.
  • Updates to our cloud provider infrastructure for improved reliability and you can now see the status of Roundtrip services on our Status Page.
  • Other on-going improvements and bug fixes.

August 1, 2022

July 2022 Product Updates

Custom SMS and Email Notifications

A very-much requested feature is here for EasyRoutes Premium users — completely customizable email and SMS delivery notifications!

For emails, you can add your logo, customize all the text, and even add your own links using our easy editor (no more dealing with complex Liquid code like with Shopify's notifications).

We're also excited to launch customizable SMS notifications! This is a BETA feature, which means we would love your feedback! It is currently only available to Shopify stores based in the US and Canada for an additional costs of $15 per driver/month during the beta. We plan to roll out this feature to the rest of the world — support and pricing will be announced at that point. Stay tuned!

Notification History Timeline

We've also added an in-app notification event timeline so you know exactly what notifications were sent and when. You can view this in the Actions menu for the stop whose history you want to check.

More Customization Options

We've added even more customization options to our order tracking pages as well as out packing slips and labels. Check them out in your EasyRoutes Settings.

Better Support for Subscription Apps

We've improved how EasyRoutes works with subscription apps, including apps that use a single order with scheduled parts.

Route Group Improvements

We've cleaned up our Route Groups action menu and added the ability to add a blank route to your groups to better help with planning. You can also now assign drivers from the group view.

Huge Performance Upgrade

If you deal with a lot of orders, you should definitely notice that EasyRoutes is feeling a lot speedier. We've spent a lot of time under the hood making sure our app loads fast and works with older browsers.

We've also made a lot of updates to our routing engine, like supporting routes with very long ETAs and max stop times. And we also made some tweaks to better support for countries like Turkey and South Africa.

May 2, 2022

April 2022 Product Updates

Redesigned, customizable Tracking Pages!

We've completely redesigned our customer tracking pages and we've made them completely customizable! Create the perfect tracking page for your business — add your logo, change the background color, choose what to display, and customize any of the text (you can even translate it into another language).

Our new tracking pages are available on our EasyRoutes Standard and Premium plans.

Driver assignment & management

Our new driver assignment feature makes route planning easier and driver dispatch quicker. You can now assign and share all of routes directly with your drivers.

  • Once you've added your drivers, quickly assign a route using the drop-down selector found at the top on the route itself...
  • ...or you can assign all of your routes even faster in the group view:
  • One you've assigned a route, click the Fulfill & Share button to do just that.
  • Your drivers will get notified and can see all their assigned upcoming routes in the EasyRoutes Delivery Driver app for iOS and Android ahead of time. No more messing around with sharing links!
  • If you need to add your drivers, visit the Drivers Tab in your settings to manage your roster of drivers and activate or deactivate them as needed.
  • Need more drivers? Add or remove driver seats when you briefly need to scale up or down based on demand. For example, with Easter coming up, you can activate the additional drivers for that weekend, and then deactivate them after and we'll just prorate your plan for the time used.

Easier drag-and-drop stop re-ordering

We've made it easier to drag-and-drop to re-order stops on any of your routes with our new horizontal stop line.

Check out the stop line below your route map and click the Edit button to move your stops to the right spots. You can also drag-and-drop the rows in the stop table to re-order your deliveries.

View scheduled subscription order items

Are you working with subscriptions? Now when you add subscription orders to a route, we will show which items within the order are unfulfilled vs scheduled. You can also select the proper fulfillment within the order once the items have been fulfilled.

Driver app improvements

We've made a ton of improvements to our EasyRoutes Delivery Driver app for iOS and Android.

We've added:

  • The ability to see upcoming assigned routes
  • More navigation options
  • Route polylines
  • Optional confirmation before marking as delivered
  • Auto-advance to the next stop
  • Pull-to-refresh feature
  • Better caching for previously shared routes

Updated printer options

We've tweaked our printer options and now persist your print settings and allow you to show/hide even more details.

Ongoing improvements

We've popped the hood and given EasyRoutes a little overhaul:

  • You can now display shipping price summaries for your routes.
  • Shipping name and phone information is now explicitly shown when available
  • We've updated our app permissions so we can better fulfill your orders
  • and many under the hood fixes and ongoing improvements (e.g. we save your print settings!)

New Customer Stories

For Velasquez Family Coffee, planning deliveries was sometimes an ordeal that would take days to plan due to constantly shifting requirements. “Incorporating new customers was particularly challenging. I used to have to print out maps for new customers and then try to manually fit them into our previous routes,” says Cathy. Now with EasyRoutes it takes only a couple of hours a month in total. (Continue reading...)

One aspect of EasyRoutes fit-flavors finds particularly helpful is its simplicity. “It does all the thinking for you! All you have to do is select the orders, let the app know how many drivers and how long you want each driver's route to be and the app does the rest,” says Shawn. “Our drivers simply come in to work in the morning, scan their QR code for their designated route and the user friendly app guides them through their route with ease.” (Continue reading...)

March 7, 2022

February 2022 Product Updates

February 15

We have resolved the issue with our authentication provider where some users on iOS are signed out in some instances after a period of inactivity. iOS users on EasyRoutes Delivery Driver 1.0.7 should no longer experience the sign out issue listed below. We are continuing to monitor the situation.

February 12

Note on the new Delivery Driver App (version 1.0.7): we have identified an issue where certain iOS devices are signed out in some instances after a period of inactivity or extensive memory usage on device. This issue with our authentication provider will be resolved in a coming iOS app update. Returning to your application more frequently can reduce the frequency of occurrence for this issue. If this issue persists, you can temporarily uninstall the app and open the shared route link in your browser to use our EasyRoutes Delivery Driver for Web experience instead.

February 10

We are launching a new user sign in feature to enable more secure and seamless sharing of delivery routes on our EasyRoutes Delivery Driver apps.

When you first open EasyRoutes, you will be presented with a screen where you can enter your device's phone number to sign in or sign up for EasyRoutes Delivery Driver:

February 8

We continue to work on making EasyRoutes better for you! Various improvements and bug fixes have been released since December:

  • More scheduled time window options for your tracking page
  • Add a setting to allow you to add tracking links to orders that are not fulfilled via EasyRoutes
  • Hide prices on your tracking link
  • Show shipping price summaries for your routes
  • Updated app permissions to let us better fulfill your orders
  • Improvements to the Driver App: more navigation options, better caching for your previously shared route, UI improvements like pull to refresh on the route
  • Various bug fixes and under the hood improvements over the holidays.
"I just did today's delivery route in 6 MINUTES!! This was taking up an hour of our time before (using a professional delivery system but it wasn't integrated with Shopify)."
The Prep House
Meal delivery in Australia 🇦🇺
Designed to make deliveries easy