Product Updates

Here are the latest product updates. If you have feedback or suggestions, please reach out — we'd love to hear from you!

June 5, 2023

April/May 2023 Product Updates

Select when to fulfill your orders

To make fulfilling orders even more flexible in EasyRoutes, now you can select exactly when to mark your orders as fulfilled (e.g. fulfill orders when they are Delivered, or when they are marked as Out for Delivery) when you use EasyRoutes notifications.

You can also edit any stop and select when that particular stop should be marked as fulfilled, and you can also disable fulfillment completely if you want to fulfill orders outside of our app.

Find it in your EasyRoutes Settings > General.

Plan routes with smart time window detection

Now you can plan routes using the delivery time window information collected from Shopify’s most popular date and time picker apps. Just set the start date and time in your Route Options when creating routes and we’ll detect any time window information and take it into account when optimizing stops.

Add custom items to stops

Manually add custom items to any of the stops inside your route by editing the stop and filling out the Custom items form. And custom items will, of course, also show up in your driver’s app.

New route options: Route scheduling, Avoid u-turns

Now you can schedule routes at route creation. Setting a start time at this stage will take into account any time window information your orders have when we optimize your routes.

You can also set whether your routes should avoid u-turn and continue straight after making a stop.

Also, we've updated some of our other route options, and now you can set max duration, item and stop limits on a single route.

New Delivery Status column

We’ve added a Delivery Status column to your routes page so you can see the status of your orders at a glance.

EasyRoutes Delivery Driver 1.0.22

New features and improvements, including the ability to view inventory by stop order, see total drive time for each delivery, and view routes planned with the new time window feature. We have also addressed bugs and made performance fixes to make loading faster and scrolling smoother.

Other product updates (👀 there's some good stuff in here!)

Here are more improvements that we've made to EasyRoutes:

  • Now you can enlarge the map to see more of it when planning.
  • When manually entering or updating addresses we now auto-complete the address for you.
  • For packing lists, now you can set font sizes for various elements (e.g. make your stop numbers bigger and easier to read).
  • For order tracking pages, now you can show dates only instead of timestamps.
  • If you re-optimize stops, we’ll ask you to confirm if you already have any deliveries on that route in progress.
  • We now reset the statuses for Delivered/Attempted stops when they are sent to a new route.
  • We show an indicator if a stop’s address has been edited.
  • For stores with lots of drivers, you can filter to find your drivers quicker.
  • Better support for displaying different phone numbers associated with an order.
  • Various bug fixes and usability improvements not worth mentioning!
April 3, 2023

March 2023 Product Updates

Support for Time Windows

We've added a powerful new tool to help with planning routes and prioritizing stops: Time windows. Now when you edit a stop you can specify any time constraints for that particular stop.

Once you schedule your route you can then use this feature to prioritize your stops. Time windows can also be open ended such as such as being set for 10:00 am or earlier, or 1:00 pm or later.

Once you've made your edits, re-optimize your route and EasyRoutes will minimize your overall driving time while making sure you meet your time window requirements.

Redesigned settings

We've rejigged and redesigned our settings to make things easier to find and understand.

We've also added a new Driver Settings tab with options that directly affect your drivers, such as requiring proof of delivery before they can mark an order as delivered.

Better handling of rejected stops

We've added a tab to all route groups and routes that shows up if you have any rejected stops.

To make it easier to correct these issues we now show the reason why a stop was rejected. Just edit the stop to correct any errors and we'll help you add it back in to a route.

Better export experience

EasyRoutes now also allows you to customize which fields you want to export.

In addition to copying exported data to your clipboard, you can now export stop and route data directly to a downloadable CSV.

New release of the EasyRoutes Delivery Driver app

EasyRoutes Delivery Driver v1.0.18 offers new features and improvements including the ability to view inventory by stop order, see total drive time for each delivery, and view routes planned with the our new time window feature.

We have also squashed some bugs and made performance fixes to make loading faster and scrolling smoother.

Various other improvements

  • You can now set a time per stop and access any of your saved Views in the Add Orders tab when viewing routes.
  • The action column on a route is now sticky so you can access it easier without needing to scroll to find it..
  • If you use EasyRoutes through your Shopify mobile app you'll hopefully notice that our app loads even faster because we are now using Shopify's mobile-optimized loading framework. To enjoy this performance boost, make sure to update your Shopify mobile app to the latest version.
  • Links from the EasyRoutes app on mobile should open within the Shopify mobile app again.
  • We've re-enabled print support on mobile and tablets.
  • Various UI improvements and small bug fixes.
March 6, 2023

February 2023 Product Updates

Redesigned route page

We've redesigned the pages you see when viewing routes to make planning your deliveries even easier.

Apart from moving various elements around to make them more accessible, we've also added a couple cool new features we think you're going to like.

At the top of any route or route group you will now see some tabs:

The Stops tab shows the map and your list of stops. Here is where you can edit your routes before dispatching.

The route inventory which formerly sat way at the bottom of the page now has it's own Inventory tab.

And finally, we've added an Add Orders tab which allows you to visually add orders to routes without having to go back to the Select Orders page.

New setup guide

New EasyRoutes users will now see a Setup Guide that offers a step-by-step walk-through of how to get started with our app.

For those of you who are already using EasyRoutes, you can re-launch this Setup guide in your EasyRoutes settings if you would like a refresher!

Improved order importing

Now when you import orders using a CSV you can preview them on a map first.

Live print previewing

We've created a brand new live print preview mode where you can turn on/off the elements and information you want to see and view the changes live so you know exactly what is going to be printed.

Time zone support

To better support businesses delivering across time zones you can now specify a time zone when scheduling routes.

Moving orders between routes is now easier

We've improved the "Add to existing route" page so that you can filter for the route that you're looking for, and review the orders that you want to send on a map.

We've also updated our "Send to routes" screen to make it easier to send orders from one route to another.

When you send orders to another route you also now have the option to send them over as new stops.

More packing slip and printing label customizations

We've made our packing slips and printing labels more customizable, including the ability to specify a width for your store logo.

Various other improvements

  • You can now hide the "View Order" button on your tracking pages.
  • The Routes page now shows routes from the last 30 days by default instead of the last 7 days.
  • We now display orders notes in the pop-over that appears when you click a pin on the map.
  • We've made it more clear when you are dispatching a route to a driver that's not using an active driver seat.
  • We've made some usability improvements to our Add Manual Stop and Edit Start/End Location pages.
  • We now show the total number of items when copying stops to clipboard.
  • Various UI improvements and small bug fixes.

February 6, 2023

January 2023 Product Updates

Draw and save Delivery Zones/Areas

Create, save and re-use delivery zones on the map to better help with visual planning and route creation.

Click on the Delivery Zones icon to create a zone.

After saving your areas, you can access them by clicking on that same icon in the future. You can use your delivery zones as selection areas to keep or discard orders when creating your routes.

Updates to EasyRoutes Delivery Driver app

We've made a bunch of tweaks to make life easier for delivery drivers.

  • We've updated the UI for taking proof of delivery photos, and included extra features like the ability to use the camera flash.
  • We now display an ETA and drive time to a route's end location
  • Long-pressing the Get Directions button lets drivers choose how they want to get directions: by Address, Lat/Long, or Zip/Postal Code.
  • We now display a stop's notes in the confirmation modal when making a delivery.
  • You can now see SKUs for items in any stop
  • Various bug fixes and other UI updates.

Map selection tools available on routes

Our map's order selection tools are available on individual routes to make route editing even quicker.

Use these tools to quickly remove stops, send a selection of stops to another route, or send those stops to another route within the group.

Various other improvements

  • We've made it easier to enter Edit mode on routes, and we've made it clearer that you are in Edit mode.
  • Our new map view has been updated to better handle scrolling. Follow the on-screen instructions for zooming with scrolling on your mouse.
  • We've added better page break and layout handling when printing routes.
  • Various UI improvements
  • Small bug fixes
"Fantastic app and support! We have been using this app for quite some time now and it works flawlessly. Very user friendly and it has all the features needed. The app on the phone is amazing and beats any competition. Highly recommended!!"‍
Jardin Floral Design
Floral delivery in Florida 🇺🇸
Designed to make deliveries easy