EasyRoutes Product Updates - August 2023
Happy September from the EasyRoutes team! We've been busy adding features and making improvements to help streamline your deliveries on Shopify. Here's some recent updates we've made to EasyRoutes & the EasyRoutes Delivery Driver app.

What's new?

📖 New Feature: Address Book
The address book lets you manage your frequently used custom stops in EasyRoutes. Create address book entries with customer names, addresses, and manual items and you'll be able to easily add them to your new and existing routes.
The address book is accessible for planning new routes from the main Ordersscreen, as well as the Add orders tabs on Route and Group pages to add to your existing routes:

Within the address book dialog, you can add and edit entries, then use the checkbox(es) to select one or more and add to your route.
💡 Pro-tip: Frequently used address book entries can be pinned to the top of the address book by clicking the star icon to the left of an entry's name. If you have an address book with many entries, use the search bar to find exactly what you need.
💾 Updates to CSV Import Workflows
We've relocated the Import CSV button and all associated functionality into the Import history tab of the new address book feature.
From the address book panel you can import new CSV files containing custom stop data, and view any previous CSV imports and the stop data they contain:

For more detailed information on CSV file formatting and importing custom stop data into EasyRoutes using the address book, check out this support article.
🗓️ Improvements to Partial & Scheduled Fulfillments
We've increased the level of detail and user control for orders and stops that have partial fulfillments, which can be particularly useful for orders that ship from different warehouse locations, or scheduled fulfillments (such as subscription orders) that will be delivered on any future date(s).
Once a route is created with a stop that contains a partial fulfillment, from the route page, all fulfilled and unfulfilled items included in that stop can be viewed by clicking the dropdown arrow in the Items column for that stop:

By clicking Actions > Edit stop and scrolling down to the stop's Advanced options settings, you can see which portion(s) of the order have already been fulfilled, and select any/all remaining items to be included in this stop's current fulfillment. You can also view each item's fulfillment location to determine which warehouse location the items are shipping from:

Once the stop has been fulfilled (depending on your EasyRoutes fulfillment settings, this may be manually triggered, or when a particular delivery status is applied to the order) the order page will now display any remaining unfilfilled items, and a breakdown of each past fulfillment, which items they contained, and which location they were fulfilled from:

⚠️ Address Accuracy Warning
We've added a warning message when EasyRoutes is unable to find an exact match for a stop's address, often due to a typo or incorrect information entered in a customer's address field(s).
When applicable, the warning will display as a bubble on the stop's entry within a route, and as a banner at the top of the stop's Edit Stop page.

📱 EasyRoutes Delivery Driver 1.0.28
EasyRoutes Delivery Driver has been updated to version 1.0.28 with various improvements and bug fixes. You can now require drivers using the app to add a note before they are able to mark an order as delivered. We've also improved iOS support for navigating with Google Maps when offline or experiencing limited network connectivity, and enhanced device authentication and user login on both the iOS & Android versions of the EasyRoutes Delivery Driver app.
Other product updates
(👀 there's some good stuff in here!)
Here are more improvements that we've made to EasyRoutes:
- Filter by orders that have an “On Hold” fulfillment status
- Select all routes for exporting data
- 5-digit ZIP code filters now include 9-digit ZIP code results
- Improved UI for time windows on a route (e.g. see when time windows are not being used)
- Improved time zone support to allow users to see a route's ETAs by the scheduled route’s time zone
- Exporting stops now optionally includes the end location, when present
- Ability to set a default sort option and direction for the Routes page
- Various bug fixes and usability improvements
About Roundtrip
Roundtrip's mission is to equip every business with the software tools they need to deliver products to their customers in a delightful way. Thousands of Shopify merchants worldwide choose EasyRoutes to power their local deliveries across dozens of product categories, from meal kits and groceries to coffee, cupcakes, kibble, and so much more. Our easy-to-use route planning and delivery optimization app is certified Built for Shopify, a two-time Shopify staff pick, and the top rated local delivery app on the Shopify App Store.