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Using Route Optimization Software to Lower Fleet Emissions

Discussing the impact of route optimization software like EasyRoutes on reducing fleet carbon emissions, including its role in combating climate change and promoting sustainability.

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Since 1970, April has been the host month for Earth Day, so it’s only fitting that we talk about how route optimization software can help to reduce a fleet’s carbon footprint. Managers of small to mid-sized fleets also want to know how to reduce vehicle emissions when working with tight budgets and margins.

Transformational change is needed in our society. It’s past time for the world to keep sectors responsible for their part in the environmental crisis while also pushing for brave, imaginative, and groundbreaking solutions. This will necessitate action at all levels, including business and investment, as well as local and national government.

Don’t undervalue your influence. When your voice joins millions of others around the world an impactful and inclusive movement is built. Every Earth Day should kickstart a year of renewed vigor, passion, and dedication to a new course of action for our planet.

There’s never been a better time to invest in inexpensive route optimization tools, given the grim statistics regarding CO2 levels in the atmosphere and the adverse effects of climate change. It is beneficial to the environment. It’s also beneficial to the bottom line and profitability in both good and bad economic times.

Route Optimization Software Can Significantly Reduce Your Fleet’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The transportation sector (cars, light trucks, and heavy trucks) is the largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions in the United States, according to the EPA.

Did you know that automobiles, light trucks, and heavy trucks account for 29% of all greenhouse gas emissions in the United States?

This is why it’s important for fleet managers in small to medium-sized fleets to do their part in reducing pollution.

The question is: How can I reduce fleet emissions without breaking the bank? The answer? Use EasyRoutes, an affordable route optimization software tool for your Shopify store.

EasyRoutes route optimization software, in simple terms, reduces fleet pollution by generating more effective routing. Fewer miles are powered as a result of more effective routing for deliveries, pickups, and service calls.

Fewer miles driven, means less emissions generated.

As a result, route optimization software tools like EasyRoutes are a tried-and-true way to reduce fleet pollution at a low cost.

How EasyRoutes Helps Lower Fleet Carbon Footprint

EasyRoutes, a route planning software tool, helps minimize a fleet’s carbon footprint by automatically creating more reliable routes for service calls, pick-ups, deliveries, and sales calls. The day you implement EasyRoutes, you’ll begin saving money on fuel and a variety of other fleet operating expenses. Let’s not forget that fuel accounts for 60% of a fleet’s operating budget per year, so the financial savings, as well as the reduced carbon footprint, are important.

If you want to help the environment, now is the time to start using EasyRoutes route optimization software.

The figures don’t lie. CO2 levels in the atmosphere have risen to 413 parts per million. Since 1880, the global average temperature has risen 1.9 degrees. Per year, 428 gigatons of ice are lost from the polar ice sheets.

Earth Day is now widely regarded as the world’s largest secular observance, with over a billion people participating each year in a day of action to improve human behavior and implement global, state, and local policy changes.

As the effects of climate change become more evident every day, the battle for a clean environment is becoming more urgent.

When public awareness of our climate crisis rises, so does civil society mobilization, which is currently at an all-time high all over the world. People around the world are rising up to demand much greater action for our planet and its inhabitants, disillusioned by the low degree of ambition following the implementation of the Paris Agreement in 2015 and disappointed by international environmental lethargy.

The social and cultural environments that erupted in 1970 are resurfacing today, with a new generation of disgruntled young people refusing to accept platitudes and instead taking to the streets in droves to demand a new path forward. Digital and social media are taking these debates, marches, strikes, and mobilizations to a global audience, uniting a concerned citizenry like never before and catalyzing generations to band together to confront humanity’s greatest challenge.

Climate change as a result of global warming has now reached a tipping point. According to NASA, there will be two key methods for dealing with climate change:

  • Greenhouse Gas Mitigation: This entails eliminating the influx of greenhouse gases through the Earth’s atmosphere, as well as reducing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
  • Adaptation: Adapting to the climate change already in progress.

EasyRoutes Route Optimization Software aids strategy number one by lowering the amount of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere.

Furthermore, EasyRoutes is a very affordable way to combat climate change. We offer plans for any size business, including a free plan. EasyRoutes usually saves hours a week on route planning, in addition to helping small to mid-sized fleets consume less fuel and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Managers of small to mid-sized fleets looking for a cost-effective way to reduce fleet emissions and carbon emissions should start by implementing cost-effective route optimization software like EasyRoutes. It’s the cheapest and quickest way to reduce fleet pollution right away. In the meantime, it contributes to the battle against climate change while also saving money at a time when many companies are struggling financially due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Save paper with EasyRoutes

Another way EasyRoutes helps is with our custom printing feature. We know a lot of people still like to work with paper, so we’ve made it easy to just print out exactly what you need. Don’t need a map? No problem. Want just the inventory to use as a packing list? Easy.

Do you want to give EasyRoutes a spin? Try our 14-day free trial on the Shopify App Store.

About Roundtrip

Roundtrip's mission is to equip every business with the software tools they need to deliver products to their customers in a delightful way. Thousands of worldwide choose EasyRoutes to power their local deliveries across dozens of product categories, from meal kits and groceries to coffee, cupcakes, kibble, and so much more. Our easy-to-use route planning and delivery optimization app is certified Built for Shopify, a two-time Shopify staff pick, and the top rated local delivery app on the Shopify App Store.

"We've been testing quite a few route planning apps since the launch of our startup (about a year and a half), and this has been the best app by far."
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