Stress-free flower deliveries for Mother’s Day
How to handle increased order volumes with EasyRoutes for stress-free Mother's Day deliveries.

Mother’s Day is around the corner and it’s one of the busiest deliveries days of the year for florists. We want to tell you about some of the amazing features EasyRoutes has to help you save time and make planning your flower deliveries stress-free this year!

Create Delivery Routes in Seconds
Just select the orders you want to route, and hit the button! Create as many routes as you need in one go!
Handle Last Minute Orders
We know getting last-minute orders and putting them into delivery routes can be difficult to manage. With EasyRoutes, it’s a simple task to add orders to existing routes.
Optimized for Shopify
Our route planning app integrates directly with Shopify and your orders. No more having to deal with annoying spreadsheet exports. Do you want to quickly add recurring subscription orders or pickup orders to your planned routes? Do you want to plan your routes using your order tags? EasyRoutes does that – all inside of Shopify!
Haven’t started tried our new plans yet? Click here to start your 14-day trial and try out these amazing new features!
We help a lot of flower shops with their deliveries. Here’s a profile of one from our EasyRoutes Blog:

It’s about, an awesome Canadian online florist who were empowered to hire and run their own delivery fleet because of EasyRoutes.

Flower delivery requires precise scheduling and before EasyRoutes the Bloomen team were spending 6-8 hours a week planning their delivery routes. EasyRoutes made the planning process so easy, Bloomen decided to bring the delivery work in-house by hiring their own drivers.
Learn more about how Bloomen is using EasyRoutes here.

About Roundtrip's mission is to equip every business with the software tools they need to deliver products to their customers in a delightful way. Thousands of worldwide choose EasyRoutes to power their local deliveries across dozens of product categories, from meal kits and groceries to coffee, cupcakes, kibble, and so much more. Our easy-to-use route planning and delivery optimization app is certified Built for Shopify, a two-time Shopify staff pick, and the top rated local delivery app on the Shopify App Store.